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Kadr tygodnia: Pat and Mike (1952)

I had written a line for Mike to say when he first encounters and appraises Pat, an outstanding amateur golfer. With an eye toward turning her pro and making her part of his stable, he hands her his card. She takes it and walks away. He speaks to his crony-assistant. (...)
When the moment came, Kate walked away, Spencer got his cue and spoke. As he did so, he watched her leave (thus turning away from the camera), leaned over the drinking fountain, shot a stream of water into his mouth, and gave the operative word an extra twist of New Yorkese.
I was horrified. I felt that with all this the line would surely fail and that the moment would be wrecked. I mentioned it to George, who, in turn, spoke to Spencer. Take two. Exactly like the first, only more so. I left.
Months later, at the preview at the Capitol Theatre in New York, I tensed as the moment approached. I neet not have troubled. The line came.
"Not much meat on 'er," Spence (as Mike) commented. "But what there is is cherce!"
The theater exploded.
I learned a lot from him. So did Kate. So did we all.
He claimed he had learned most from his idol, George M. Cohan, who once said to him, "Whatever you do, kid, always serve it with a little dressing."
(Garson Kanin, Tracy and Hepburn)


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